New Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Scientific Breakthrough Discovers Root Cause

New Multiple Sclerosis Treatment – Scientific Breakthrough Discovers Root Cause


Scott K. Haley

There are scientific advancements that look promising for preventing and even reversing Multiple Sclerosis .

Multiple Sclerosis is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system. MS is an inflammatory demyelinating condition. Myelin is a fatty material that insulates nerves, acting much like the covering of an electric wire and allowing the nerve to transmit its impulses rapidly. It is the speed and efficiency with which these impulses are conducted that permits smooth, rapid and co-ordinated movements to be performed with little conscious effort.

In Multiple Sclerosis, the inflammatory response produces any number of symptoms including blurred vision, weakness, numbness, dizziness, tremors, slurred speech, bowel and bladder problems, sexual impotence in men and paralysis.


MS usually occurs in people between the ages of twenty-five and forty, and twice as many women as men suffer from. MS may be the quietest epidemic in the country. It’s on the rise, but it garners few headlines.

Recent figures released by the MS Society estimate the annual cost of MS in the US at $10 billion, higher than the cost of asthma (about $5 billion) and all infectious diseases (nearly $8 billion) despite a much higher incidence of those conditions. More than 500,000 Americans have MS and the United States and Canada have one of the highest national rates in the world.

The myth of not knowing the cause or the cure for Multiple Sclerosis is repeated year after year, drummed into the collective mind of the public and those suffering from MS. Unfortunately the vast majority of those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis are doomed by the ignorance that is fostered by the medical/pharmaceutical system.

In reality, extensive research reveals that proliferation of Multiple Sclerosis in society is a direct manifestation of our changed lifestyles. When people around the world experience similar problems, it’s not a random incident but a methodical process spreading across cultures and borders.

Recently I read a report on how most of these problems could be cured after scientific experiments. Imagine the joy someone would feel being able to move about freely, and not having to depend on others to do basic things like walking, or going to the toilet on their own.

This scientific program has helped many, and it gives everyone hope of a new beginning although at this stage its not sure whether it can cure it altogether.

As this is a natural cure, can you imagine how much the drug companies are going to loose, and its so new your Doctor probably wouldnt have heard about it. I have read many testimonials from people who call it a miracle cure, and they are looking towards Doctor Robert O Young as a God after his scientific breakthrough.

The basis of his findings is that peoples diets and lifestyles in the Western world are so different from the way they were only 100 years ago. You see, our lifestyle choices have gotten us into this mess. We need to make the right choices to get us out.

The fact is the exponential increase in Multiple Sclerosis is really the result of the way our lives have changed. The bad news is we are used to living a certain way now and it isnt easy to change. The good news is that change is in our power and with it better health.

Hence Multiple Sclerosis is NOT a life threatening condition. Everyday now more and more people are finding that they can start to reverse their Multiple Sclerosis .

The New

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

is a scientifically proven program that helps reverse Multiple Sclerosis. To learn more visit

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New Multiple Sclerosis Treatment – Scientific Breakthrough Discovers Root Cause