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By Karl Dorads
Genital warts are caused by the virus called HPV. This virus can easily spread by the sexual route and are hence very contagious. You might be having warts in and around the genital area. This should alert you to the possibility of having warts. If your partner also has these warts, it is a good idea for you both to get treatment together. Apple cider vinegar treatment for genital warts has been around since a long time. Let us see whether this really works.
The apple cider vinegar treatment for genital warts has been touted as a remedy for all forms of the infection. The claims on websites are that you have a good chance of removing the warts permanently using this method. They say that the procedure requires only simple things like Cotton balls and Band-aid besides the Apple cider vinegar solution. Each night before going to bed you are supposed to soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, apply it to the wart and then hold it in place with a band-aid. The treatment can be done overnight or for a day. The bandaid is to be changed daily.
The side effects one can notice with this treatment are that the wart might swell and throb a little as it reacts with the vinegar. It then starts turning black within the first two days and after a week or two will be completely gone. The treatment may also cause cuts and bruises on the wart if it is a dubious preparation. This may result in the wart not falling off and getting infected instead. You might also think that pulling the wart out after apple cider vinegar treatment of genital warts is okay. You must refrain from causing any trauma to the warts as that will only lead to spread of infection in the genital skin and through the hands.
The degree to which this treatment is effective is still questionable. The ingredients in the ACV solution are also not of assured quality. You might end up with a secondary bacterial infection if the wart gets infected in the course of apple cider vinegar treatment for genital warts.
The best thing to do would be to aviod courses like apple cider vinegar treatment for genital warts. The basis for this statement is the fact that the virus cannot be completely eliminated from the genital skin once it is infected. You will do better to consult a qualified doctor for treating genital warts as it is safer and has better results. The doctor can recommend a better course of treatment which will help you get rid of the warts in a better way. You might be given an option of surgery in special cses like pregnancy, for large warts and if you have genital warts over and over again. Otherwise, the usual course of treatment is in the form of creams which should be applied to the warts, this can be done by you or under a doctor’s supervision.
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Genital warts
Genital Warts Treatments
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